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Four Essentials Any Serious Gamer Shouldn’t Save On

The gaming industry has become big business in recent years. It began with CDs that could be played on a computer, using the keyboard and mouse. These days, gamers buy powerful computers and quality sound and lighting equipment. They sit in special chairs and communicate online as they play. Twitch streaming has enabled gamers to record and broadcast their activities live, and some people even earn a living from it. Of course, those people earning money from streaming usually have the best twitch visual overlays from services like https://gamingvisuals.com/.

Many accessories such as a special mouse or mat can be bought as time goes by, but certain quality things should be acquired from the start.  We will now discuss four areas to not financially hold back from.

1.   Gaming Chairs

Office workers are told not to sit for more than thirty minutes without getting up and stretching. In contrast, gamers often sit in the same position for several hours. Perhaps one of the most important things a gamer should do is to ensure they have sufficient lumbar and neck support. Whilst they are not cheap, gaming chairs are designed to provide this very thing. It’s for this reason that many people look online for solutions. People can research a popular gaming chair brand or one made in a classic racing style. Some are made extra-wide to accommodate larger people and can hold up to 400 lbs in weight. Others feature technological add-ons such as built-in Bluetooth speakers. They are great for enhancing the gaming experience.

2.   Quality Sound

Many people improve their television-watching experience by adding surround sound speakers. Similar things can be done for gamers to help create an amazing atmosphere in the room. When a game features an approaching warrior, the distant sound will be enhanced and enriched, and make the game feel more exciting. A pair of headphones is another option and can be helpful when gaming is played late at night. Once again they can create a surround-sound effect. Quality headphones will have ear pads that are breathable.

This is important as any gamer will know how easy it is to become hot and sweaty during gameplay. The soft padding will also protect the person’s ears from becoming irritated when hot. Wireless headphones are the best option because they will free up the physical space around you, enabling your mobility to be maximized.  At a later date, such additional accessories as a holder could be purchased. If it attaches to the side of the computer desk, it will save space and be the perfect place for storage.

3.   A Decent Microphone

Let’s face it: neither the members of your team nor your enemies will appreciate it if you use a cheap and indistinct microphone. If you are using Twitch there is even more reason to ensure your voice is clearly heard. Microphones come in two types, dynamic, and condenser. Dynamic microphones will be the best choice for you. Condenser microphones are more content if there are consistent sounds kept at the same levels. This is certainly not how your games will sound!

Once again, your physical posture is important. If the microphone is attached to an extendable stand you can position it where you need. This will remove any requirement for you to slouch over your computer table in order to use the microphone. Some higher-range models allow you to change the sound of your voice to match the ambiance of the game you are playing.

4.   Quality Lighting

In recent years concern has been expressed over the blue light emitted from phones, computers and televisions. It can penetrate deeply into our eyes and even create medical conditions. For this reason, gamers should be sensible over how long they play for. It’s certainly inadvisable to watch a gaming screen in a pitch black room.

Softboxes are inexpensive and can provide lighting without generating shadows. It’s wise to place one in front of the console and one behind you. Gaming lights are fun. They can have different colors, and be set to match the ambiance of your game. It’s especially worth researching the best lighting if you are a Twitch streamer, so you can be clearly seen while you talk.

There are in fact many areas of gaming that can benefit from a generous financial investment. Choose a computer with enough power and memory to cope with your games. Make sure the screen display is maximized. No matter how good these things are and how good you may be, a poor internet connection will let you down every time. When the correct equipment is acquired and installed, the stage will be set for many hours of exciting gaming, either alone or with others.

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Elijah Lucas

Elijah is a professional blogger who writes about technologies to inspire their target audience.