If you are so tired of Instagram’s timeline or posts that people share on Instagram, you might opt to get out of the social media platform. Many...
Category - Social Media
When using WhatsApp, it becomes important to have some conversation remain always on top, and some messages to be available right away when you want it. The...
Offbeat to the conventional text typing methods, many social media platforms including WhatsApp and youtube allow its users to format the text according to...
There is no need of special introduction for Instagram. It allows its users to upload and share their photos and video contents and is best known as a photo...
Facebook chat is growing day by day so some innovations are a must. Like Google, Facebook doesn’t offer animated smiley but they have found out a better...
Every once in a while, you get to hear the rumor on Facebook that Facebook Will Start Using Your Photos in Ads on Friday. Well, to be honest, it’s just...
Facebook is no doubt a place where several meets to share their feelings and more. You create your Facebook account and increase your presence bit by bit. And...
Facebook the word which gives the power to get socialize is no more just a social networking website – but it’s the second identity for the...
I know every blogger want to increase their blog traffic. You might have written many articles over there. Made efforts to increase the traffic by commenting...
Snapchat is a fantastic app that lets you send self-destructing pictures and videos to your friends and this guide will help you to add friends on Snapchat. It...
There has been a demand from Facebook users time and again to have in place, a mechanism that offers additional safeguards when discussing private information...
Twitter announces a new feature “While you were away” on their iOS App. This feature adds a functionality to access miss tweets when you are not logging in to...
Facebook completed ten years of connecting friends this year. This decade has seen the California based social networking site coming out with most famous IPO...
Twitter Inc. (NYSE:TWTR) which has captured the world in 140 word has transformed from a social networking site to a real time information network. Twitter...
Facebook has announced new search functionality for its users who are using Facebook App on their iPhone. Facebook is planning to make Facebook Search more...