Home » How-To » Improve Note-taking Experience on Honeycomb Tablets with Antipaper Notes

Improve Note-taking Experience on Honeycomb Tablets with Antipaper Notes

To give some serious competition to Apple’s idevices Android Market these days is brimming up with many useful and innovative applications. Recently, they brought in a new application- Antipaper Notes. It is a smart and elegant handwriting application, aimed to improve note taking experience in Honeycomb units.

Antipaper Notes enables its users to write notes, no longer limited by tight text fields and pesky keyboard but, a stylus to write whatever you wish to and share the images of handwritten notes by an e-mail.

When you view home screen of the application you will find all your notebooks arranged in a grid. Long pressing on any notebook lets you rename, delete or share it via email. On the other hand, tapping on ‘New notebook’ icon lets you start working on a new note.

The ‘Menu’ button on upper part of the page contains advanced settings including various page editing, sharing and zooming options. Also, from within the same menu, you can choose different page patterns.

Besides all this, the application provides users with multiple pen styles and colors. Pen styles include a regular pen, a highlighter and an eraser to rub off errors, if made accidentally.

At present using Antipaper Notes you can:

  • Take notes
  • Change paper pattern – while writing!
  • Zoom in a page for more precise writing
  • Choose among colorful pens and highlighters
  • E-mail a hand-written page

Upcoming changes:

  • Landscape mode

Undoubtedly, main feature of the application has to be its zooming option which allows you to write comfortably without worrying about your handwriting being too huge or disorderly.

The application could blossom further if export, screen rotation and online synchronization options too are included. Antipaper Notes is available for free in the Android Market however, it is somewhat restricted in terms of features. Pro version of the application lifts up many features restrictions and any user is free to upgrade free service to Pro version from within the app for a mere $5.46 (via PayPal) to access more features.

About the author

Hemant Saxena

The author Hemant Saxena is a post-graduate in bio-technology and has an immense interest in following technology developments. Quite by nature, he is an avid Lacrosse player.