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Top 10 Free Micro-blogging Scripts and Applications


The present age is considered as the age of microblogging. Anyone can easily launch a micro-blogging site like Twitter by using the following free open source micro-blogging scripts and applications.


So come on, follow me.

Free Open Source Microblogging Scripts


It’s an open source micro messaging platform that encourages real-time connection and sharing to keep your brand always within your command.


Yonkly is another open source micro-blogging Twitter clone that works fast based on Asp.net MVC framework.

Beside the open source version, one advanced version of Yonkly is also available.


Everyone can easily have dedicated Jaiku Engine instance on the Google App Engine. It has an open source mobile client and front end.


Floopo is a microblogging script just similar to Twitter. It’s developed with PHP and MySQL. It offers a strong back end support.


Sharetronix is an open source microblogging script that helps people to exchange short messages over web.


Free Microblogging Applications


It’s a microblogging application built on PHP and provides an API similar to Twitter for further development. It’s suitable for mobiles devices too.

You can easily share your profile page and exchange messages with others by applying Jisko.



It’s an application with Ajax based interface. It’s a single- user micro blog that helps user to pull data from social networks like Flickers.

Users can post their comments on entries with ease by the help of PageCookery. Remember that the original page of PageCookery is written in Chinese language but you can easily get its standard English version by applying the Google Translate.



It’s an instantly usable application in which the source code is available for free. It’s an application which gives more importance to conversations rather than users.


P2 WordPress Theme

It’s an application that can transform your blogging engine into an interface just similar to Twitter. By applying it you can get real-time updates without reloading.


TypePad Motion

It’s built on Pownce & MovableType and helps publishers and marketers in creating communities to increase page views. This also allows you total control over your brand.

So don’t wait anymore. Go and apply these free open source scripts and applications for enjoying a better result.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

A blogger, tech evangelist, YouTube creator, books lover, traveler, thinker, and believer of minimalist lifestyle.


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