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How to use the Photos For You tab in an iPhone

iPhone Photos for you memory

When we try to recollect memories of an event a complete representation of it gets reactivated in the brain like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle coming together to create a vivid recollection. The Photos app in an iPhone does something similar for us. It helps us rediscover our favourite and forgotten moments from the photo library. The Photos For You tab introduced in iOS 12 brings many intelligent Sharing Suggestions. Moreover, in iOS 12, it’s become even smarter and more personal, with intelligent new features. Let’s look!

How to use the Photos For You tab in an iPhone

Just like Apple Music that shows ‘On this day’ section, the Photos App in iOS 12 displays your ‘Memories’, ‘Live Photos’ and more.

Memories in For You tab

  • The Photos app automatically makes a movie for each Memory on your iPhone. To check this out, simply tap the movie to play it.

Photos For You memory

  • If you would like to edit certain parts of the movie, just tap the screen while it’s playing. You can adjust the movie music, length, and content.

Photos For You

  • You can also customize the movie by changing its title, music, duration, and photos that appear in the Memory movie.

Tapping ‘Select’ lets you add the memory to ‘favorite’ or delete it permanently. Deleting action doesn’t just remove it from the memory, but also deletes it from your iPhone and iCloud Library.

Add Images to memories

Shared Album Activity in For You Tab

Any Shared Album Activity related to your iCloud account is presented at the bottom of the ‘For You’ tab. Here, you can view photos and videos, give them with a thumbs up, and read comments by others or add your own.

Sharing Suggestions in Photos For You tab

The suggestion resides right under For You tab. If the app recognizes someone in the photos it will seek your permission to share the collection with him/her. If it’s not visible then, an option to “Share with friends?” is shown.

memories from already taken picture

When you enable the app to share a collection, it will let you select the pictures you send it to the people in your contacts that you want to share the pictures with.

Proceed further by tapping Share in Messages.

Share Photos for you images

That’s it!

About the author

Hemant Saxena

The author Hemant Saxena is a post-graduate in bio-technology and has an immense interest in following technology developments. Quite by nature, he is an avid Lacrosse player.