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Xbox Emulator for Android (Run Xbox games on Android)

Xbox Emulator for Android

Are you looking for the best Xbox emulators for Android? Well, we’ve got your back. Notably, mobile and desktop gaming are taking over console gaming. While Android has a plethora of options to deal with, what if you want to play the original Xbox games on Android? Here is our list

Xbox Emulator for Android

  • What is Xbox emulator for Android
  • Steps to install the emulator
  • Troubleshooting installing the emulator

Best Xbox emulators for Android

The original Xbox was a gaming machine developed and owned by Microsoft. It was further enhanced with the newer devices like Xbox 360, Xbox One and the current Xbox One X. That said, if you are an old-school Xbox fan like me but don’t own one, you can easily play the gaming collection on your Android phone by using an Xbox emulator. An Xbox emulator is a software that can emulate the experience of the original Xbox, not physically but virtually. To know more about what is an Emulator and how it works, read here.

Apart from the reason I mentioned above, another advantage of using Xbox emulators is portability. Even if you have an Xbox console, you can’t stick to it while traveling on a holiday journey. Whereas, your phone is always with you, so why not enjoy the feel of Xbox on your phone itself!

Note: You cannot play any recent titles with this, but only some of the old titles or if any of the new games that were ported. So don’t get your hopes high!

Xbox Emulator for Android

Xbox emulator for Android is an application that allows you to play Xbox games on Android by imitating the Android Screen to be an Xbox Gaming screen. Notably, the emulator will provide you with necessary on-screen buttons, similar to an Xbox controller while the game runs in a separate layer.

However, installing Xbox emulator is not easy as it seems to be. It’s challenging given the fact that Microsoft has an extremely tight grip on hardware rights and digital rights. Following the same, Xbox emulators for Android are not available on the Google Play Store and are quite tricky to find.

Fortunately, we came across one such Xbox emulator using which you can reliably emulate the console’s games on Android. This Xbox emulator is in APK file format and needs to be installed in a slightly different manner.

How to install Xbox Emulator on Android?

Installing Xbox emulator requires certain things to be done as a pre-requisite. You have to carefully follow all the steps as the emulator is a third party APK and not from the Google Play Store.

  1. Navigate to the system settings on your Android phone. Scroll down and tap the “Security” section.
  2. Look for the option that says “Allow installation from Unknown Sources” and enable it.
  3. Next, download Xbox emulator for Android by clicking here. [Download at your own RISK]
  4. Once downloaded, open the APK file and allow installation permissions to your browser if it asks any (for Android Pie users). Now, tap on install and wait for the process to finish.

Restart your device once, and you are ready to play nostalgic Xbox games on Android. Nonetheless, you have to download Xbox games yourselves and load into the emulator. You can have a look at some of cool Xbox game ROMS by visiting here. Make sure to download only the ones compatible with your phone model.

What if you are unable to access the emulator?

If you are unable to install the APK file or facing problems while downloading it, the reason might be that your region is restricted for accessing this site or downloading the Chinese APK. In that case, you can still access the website and download the application. To do the same, install any of the free VPN’s from our list of Best Free and Paid VPN for Android & iOS. Set the region to China, and you’re good to go. If on a computer, you can install one of the VPN extensions to download the file in restricted areas.

Any other issues?

Note that the compatibility of the emulator will vary across devices. Also, the more powerful your device, better will be the graphics as well as the gameplay. The Xbox emulator requires a working internet connection to be able to play games, so make sure to connect to a WiFi network or mobile data before opening the app.

Also, do note that the emulator incorporates traditional controls from the original Xbox and has an entirely different approach from the current generation. Hence, the touch controls may not feel as intuitive and responsive you want them to. To ease up things a bit, you can use a wireless or wired Xbox controller with your phone.

So this was all about best Xbox emulators for Android. As the availability is an issue, we have included the most reliable Xbox emulator using which you can play the original Xbox games on your Android. If in case you have any doubts then let me know in the comments.

About the author

Ritik Singh

Being a tech aficionado, Ritik is highly fanatic about smartphones and computers since childhood. He has good experience in reviewing gadgets and loves shooting random videos. Above all, he believes in continuous learning and is ardent about writing on tech.

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